Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Rasmussen: 71% Agree Congress Sucks

Rasmussen just released results of some polling that has some shocking but not unexpected numbers regarding congress. I'll break them down for you.
  • 71% believe congress is doing a poor job
  • 10% believe congress is doing a good or excellent job
  • 48% of Democrats believe congress is doing a poor job (up 17% since January)
  • 70% think congress hasn't passed any legislation that would improve the lives of Americans (up 10% since last month and highest rating in more than 3 years)
  • 40% think it's "somewhat likely" that congress will "seriously" address the most important issues facing hte nation.
  • 9% say it's "very likely" that congress will address the most important issues.
  • 63% say it would be better if "most" incumbents were replaced with fresh blood this November.
  • 27% feel their representative is the best man for the job
  • 75% of Americans are at least "somewhat angry" at the policies of the Federal government.
  • 60% of voters agree that both the Republican & Democratic leaders lack "a good understanding of what is needed today"
  • 9% believe that congress is "genuinely interested" in helping people
  • 81% believe politicians are more concerned about their careers

These numbers reveal an interesting trend that Scott Rasmussen talks about in his new book, In Search of Self-Governance, which is available at Amazon.

In it he notes, “Today, Americans are united. United in the belief that our political system is broken, that politicians are corrupt, and that neither major political party has the answers.” ... “Some of us are ready to give up; some of us are ready to scream a little louder. But all of us believe we can do better.”

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