Attorney General Holder Reveals Aggressive Gun Control In Response to Ft. [Hood Shooting]
It starts. Who was it that said "Never waste a crisis..."
Does anyone else see the contradictions here?
Attorney General Eric Holder defended his decision to give foreign national terrorists the same protections afforded to American citizens by giving them a civilian jury trial. Yet, he wishes to limit the rights of law-abiding citizens and even prohibit as many as 400,000 people from owning firearms based because they happen to be on a secret government watch list.
His two preliminary suggestions (and I say preliminary because anyone that thinks he will stop at these two is a fool) include:
- Holder wants a national, permanent gun registration system administered by law enforcement. A registration of honest citizens that have cleared the federal background check for gun purchases with those records permanently retained by and shared among law enforcement.
- Holder wants new federal authority to prohibit any person on the federal watch list (reported to be 400,000 names) from buying guns and supports confiscating guns from those on the list who possess them.
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