It's interesting to note that in the 52 Amendments proposed to this bill at least one was proposed to prohibit organizations such as ACORN from receiving money as a result of this bill. It was rejected.
Also of note is Amendment 715 which would allow money to"include certain crisis pregnancy centers, and organizations that serve battered women or victims of rape or incest." It was rejected.
I wish I could take credit for all of this research, but honestly someone beat me to it ("Serve America Act" (Obama/Hitler Youth Corps) Sent to Obama for Signing) .
Sec. 1101.(16)of the bill provides that a purpose is to "increase public and private investment in nonprofit community organizations that are effectively addressing national and local challenges and encourage such organizations to replicate and expand successful initiatives."Now, that's just a money thing. It gets worse.
Hmmm... "non-profit community organizations effectively addressing local challenges..." - can you say ACORN, anyone?
The bill declares the following activities to be prohibited: "Sec. 1310... (7) Engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship, or engaging in any form of proselytization, consistent with section 132." On its face, this prohibition would extend to anyone participating in the program who might teach a Sunday School class, for example. "Engaging in any form of proselytization" is prohibited which means that a "volunteer" may not discuss God or Christ with anyone else for fear of being accused of "any form of proselytization."Now you might be thinking... How can the government tell me that if I participate in this program I cannot also teach Sunday school or bible study on the weekends? I'll tell you why. The government has been setting a large precedence that basically says that if you receive gov't money then you're government's bitch so you HAVE to comply with any demands.
However, that's not even the worst of it all. This last part creates the so-called "Obama Youth" program.
What is further disturbing about this bill is that is creates a "quasi" military civilian force. The bill provides that "Section 151 (42 U.S.C. 12611) is amended to read as follows:Great that's all I need... a bunch of brainwashed kids badgering me while I'm standing in line at Home Depot demanding that I buy 'energy efficient' light bulbs at 10 times the cost and 25% the effectiveness or worse going door to door in the next national disaster demanding that I give up my arms for the "safety" of my neighbors.
‘‘SEC. 151. PURPOSE.
‘‘It is the purpose of this subtitle to authorize the operation of, and support for, residential and other service programs that combine the best practices of civilian service with the best aspects of military service, including leadership and team building, to meet national and community needs. The needs to be met under such programs include those needs related to—
‘‘(1) natural and other disasters;
‘‘(2) infrastructure improvement;
‘‘(3) environmental stewardship and conservation;
‘‘(4) energy conservation; and
(5) urban and rural development.’’
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